Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jbizz!

Happy Birthday to little Joseph Clayton, who turns 25 today! (HOly cow, feel old yet, mom???)

Happy Birthday!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Passion Through My Lens

You'll notice if you look to the "Links" category to the right, you'll (finally!) see a link to Nick's photography blog, Passion Through My Lens.

Check it out to see the amazing shots Nick's been getting lately!

K-K's latest column -- of particular family interest!


Headline: SMALL CHILDREN WALK AWAY FROM HOME...Two little girls (ages 3 and 4) were found wandering on a busy street yesterday carrying a little puppy. They were picked up by a stranger and taken to a local business where one of the grandparents was employed. They were returned home safely to their mothers who had been having coffee and lost track of time (and kids.) No charges filed.

Headline: YOUNG GIRLS CAUGHT BURYING BARBIE DOLLS...Three prepubescent girls admitted having a “Barbie Cemetery” in a neighborhood backyard. A dirty doll was found by one of their sisters and reported to the parents. When asked why they did it they responded “why not?” No charges were filed.

Headline: INCIDENTS OF NEAR FROSTBITE ... Several hundred children ranging in age from 8 to 18 have been suffering near frostbite conditions at the local skating rink. Not only do the parents force them to walk several blocks to get there but conditions in the “hot house” are not conducive to proper safety standards. Although they are given free reign warming up at their convenience, the smell of mittens, hats and scarfs scattered on the wood burning stove is stifling. On top of that, their parents often make them walk all the way back home. No charges were filed.

Headline: LARGE NEIGHBORHOOD DOG BURIED IN BACK YARD WITHOUT PERMIT ... Several people witnessed what they believe was a pet funeral carried out on a city street the other day. A number of children (as many as 30 or so reported) gathered for services when a beloved family dog (named Blondie) succumbed to old age. A large stone baring the animal's name marked the site as evidence of the incident. No charges were filed.

Headline: AT LEAST A DOZEN KIDS CAUGHT SKATEBOARDING HAPHAZARDLY ... Several kids were caught skateboarding down a steep alley through a busy street and down an “off limits” church driveway recently. They stated that they had “look-outs” stationed on the street to forewarn skateboarders when the Monsignor protested vehemently actually grabbing the shirt tail of one of the participants. A few days later one of the girls broke her arm stopping the mayhem. No charges filed.

Headline: NEIGHBORHOOD PLAY CAUSES CONCERN ... About 20 children entertained friends and family in a garage last week. Not only did they charge admission, they sold popcorn and drinks without a permit. Treasury is looking into the matter because they cannot account for funds raised. The director of the show stated “We really didn't know that we were doing anything wrong. We've been performing for people on our street for years sometimes going door to door singing.” They have also allegedly held unsupervised street dances. So far no charges have been filed.

Headline: CHICKENS SLAUGHTERED IN BACK YARD WITHIN VIEW OF NEIGHBORS ... A local “immigrant” couple was reported for regularly placing chickens on a tree stump and removing their heads. The clincher is that after their heads are removed they sometimes run around the yard scaring children. When interviewed the couple stated “We don'ta know whatta the problem is...we raisa them in our basement (next to the wine vat), kill them and eat them. It'sa natural order of things.” No charges have been filed although a conflict of interest issue has arisen due to the fact that their son is a City Official of the highest order. Public Health officials refused comment.

These fictitious headlines are taken from my childhood reality when lawsuits were something worn in court and mothers were genuine “desperate housewives” (not looking for love in all the wrong places.) Some shenanigans are priceless.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Birthday, Miles!

Hard to believe, but Miles is celebrating his fourth birthday today! Happy Birthday Miles!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

What the F*@^#!!??!?!?

We got Gigi good.

Mom arrived at Sarah's tonight thinking she was in for a weekend of watching the boys -- for the third weekend in a row. She got quite a surprise* instead.

* CAUTION: Gupp may have used inappropriate language during the filming of this hidden video.

(She came in the wrong door, then took forever taking her shoes off and whatnot... skip ahead to the three minute mark on the first video to catch the main bits of action...)

SORRY -- The first video was too big -- so you don't get to see her real reaction. I'm going to try to teach myself iVideo (Gotta love having a mac!) so I can trim the first 3 minutes. Then I should be able to post it!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

As American as apple pie

Anthony had his first taste of Gigi's apple pie today. It was straight out of the fridge and cold, so I wasn't sure how he was going to react, but as soon as he finished his first bite (before I started recording) he just looked up at me and said, "More?"

So I gave him a small piece, but that wasn't enough. Naturally he wouldn't REALLY perform when I got it out, but I think you can tell he liked it.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The girl who should have been queen :-) Congratulations Leigh.