I thought I would post a few pictures from the Johnson-Buys Easter festivities, which included dyeing eggs, living room egg-hunting with Claire and a BBQ with friends, followed by a Kirsten-Claire fun day to kick off her spring break on Monday.

This one was a little tough to find.

She found it!

Homemade Easter egg collecting basket.

(You'll see Daniel's leg in the background... After far too many in the past,
I've vowed to keep photographs of Daniel in sweatpants off of the Internet)

Playing a little Track Ball at the BBQ

Sporting the new kicks Joe and Tot got me for Christmas.

She made custom drawings for several of our guests. This was my Easter monkey.

Some of our friends have really cute dogs.
(Note: If you have a dog or baby, Claire's all yours for the day)

Our friend Sharon got an Easter elephant drawing from Claire.
She also moved to Michigan (from NYC) for Detroit love.

The Johnson Patriarch, Bobby.

The next day, Claire and I had a girls day out. First, we hit up the library, where Claire picked up some books about spiders and a DVD of the 1975 classic "Escape to Witch Mountain."

After scarfing an entire pizza, she still found room for the sundae that came with her lunch.

We stopped at Target to pick up some new summer skirts, then popped over to the theater next door for a matinee of the new 3-D movie, "How to Train Your Dragon."

Still stuffed from lunch, we opted for Ring Pops for our movie snack.
1 comment:
What a FUN day Kirsten! I LOVE the photos! Looks like it was a beautiful Easter in Ferndale! Looking forward to seeing you, Dan, and Claire when we return to Michigan - just in time for Gupp's birthday :-) Hugs to all of you!
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