I took two crazy boys to meet their new brother, an experience I'm so lucky to have shared with them. On the way there, Lucas said, "So, me, Anthony, Papa and Alexander...four boys. Mama's all alone." I said, well, if I come over...and bring Claire..." to which he replied, "There still won't be as many girls though. Alex makes one more."
And, in true "Kids say the darndest things" fashion, Lucas of course had to ask his Mama, "Why are you still fat?" Just what you want to hear about an hour after giving birth, right? As you can see, though, Sarah looks amazing. You'd never know.
Anyway, it was hilarious to watch the boys, one minute totally ignoring the new baby, the other minute, staring in awe. Lucas was more afraid of him than anything at first, getting as far away from his as possible and plugging his ears when he started to cry.
Oh the fun these Baidas Boys will have together. We now have 6 boys under age 5. Lord have mercy! What a ride we will have. Mom and Dad are laughing!
Congratulations! Thanks so much for sharing the great pics and story, Kirsten! Can't wait to meet him...
I enjoyed the story Kirst. he pictures are great too. Happy day all the way around! Thanks for posting.
Your photos told a beautiful story Kirsten! I can't wait to meet the newest Baidas Boy and check on the big brothers. You look amazing, Sarah, and Loren, you totally look the part of "proud Papa"!!!!
Congrats to your sister and her family, and to Auntie Kirsten! He weighs the same as Anna did. Big babies!! Wishing everyone well.
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