I just wanted to share a couple of Web sites I enjoy reading when I have time. First up is
It's the blog of a woman named Heather B. Armstrong, a former Mormon in Salt Lake City who blogs about her life as a woman, a wife, a mother, a person who struggles with depression. She has a photo of the day, writes a letter to her five-year-old every month, is sharing her current pregnancy with the public, swears like a sailor and is hilarious.
(Example: Her two books are: "Things I Learned About My Father in Therapy" and "It Sucked and Then I Cried")
Her husband also has a blog, which includes his take on living with a person who struggles with depression. It's a really interesting blog, which started as a past time and now pays the bills.
The second is something I just read about last week, then saw the blogger on Rachel Ray today (I've been home sick for days). It's the blog of Matt Logelin, who started blogging from California to share his wife's pregnancy with their family back in Minnesota in late 2007. His wife, Liz, gave birth to Madeline on March 24, 2008. She died the following day, unexpectedly, when she stood up to go see Maddie in the NICU and collapsed, a blood clot traveling to her lung and killing her instantly.

He has continued his blog since, which includes all of the ups and downs, angers, frustrations, joys, sadness and everything else that he could possibly feel. He has gotten an outpouring of advice and guidance from parents around the world through the blog, and has started a foundation to help the widows of young parents.
I started before the baby was born, and got all choked up when it goes from "Maddie will be here in an hour!" to Liz's obituary a few days later. He seems to be a great dad, Madeline is adorable and it's a really honest and real look into single parenthood and dealing with grief in general.
You can check it out