Saturday, May 16, 2009

Kid Quote

From Gupp:

Soon after the divorce I had to buy my first car. I got a blue Corsica without power locks or windows because that's what was on the lot and what I could afford.

I was driving Joe and one of his friends somewhere and I asked Joe to roll up the window. His friend (who I can't remember) asked him why he had to roll up the windows because his dad had automatic windows and locks on his car.

Joe says: "When we were rich we had those on the red car but we are poor now."


Kirsten said...

Sad (but true!)

It's OK. I showed that car who was boss!

Gigi said...

Yes, Kirst, I had one payment left on the car when you blew up the engine by accident. If all goes well (knock on wood), the car I have now will be paid for in 16 months, so I will not be letting you drive it :)

JBiZzNys said...

Haha - I'm sure that was verbatim.