Monday, May 11, 2009

The next Monet?

Here are some pics of Lucas making Sarah's Mother's Day gift, a cup "just like she drinks tea out of!?!?!?!!!!!"

He first wanted to go with a giant T-Rex, but once I steered him toward cups and such, he picked this one out right away.

Note the size of the T-Rex:

And what he went with:


Gigi said...

Is this child adorable or what? What a great idea you had, Kirst. Of course, I'm not prejudiced at all. We should take him back so he could do a t-rex.

Kirsten said...

Good idea!

At the time I said, "Maybe that would be good for Papa for Father's Day..." Luckily, he didn't put up a fight. He got so excited when he saw the mug.

Claire and I have been there several times -- finally last time we went so she could make HERSELF something. It's inexpensive and fun. You can make jewelry and do mosaics and stuff too.