Sunday, February 21, 2010

Box Tops 4 Education

I recently unearthed a note sent home from Claire's school about Box Tops 4 Education and thought I would share my new quest to collect the little 10 cent pink squares from random everyday items I already buy...

Basically, the sheet Claire brought home was a tally sheet -- I'm not sure how often, but whatever class collects the most "box tops" gets a pizza party or some kind of reward -- but that's not why I'm doing it.

Further investigation into the program via the Box Tops Web site revealed that Claire's school (Oakland Elementary in Royal Oak) seems to have just started collecting the box tops this year for the first time. Although their first-year goal only was $500, they've only collected $654 this year. For a school with so many students, that doesn't seem like very much money!

The school actually gets 10 cents from every top collected. It doesn't seem like much, but it could really add up! So, I thought I would spread the word and perhaps get a few more handed in to her school all for the cost of a postage stamp to you. :)

I've found the small pink squares -- just like the logo above -- on all kinds of things. Today, I took them from a Gogurt box and the bottom of my package of toilet paper. In the past, I've found them on frozen foods, frosting, boxes of Ziploc, cereals, Pillsbury cans of rolls, etc., and oh, so much more.

You can print off coupons on their Web site for all kinds of stuff too -- which, in turn have the Box Tops on them. This gives you an idea of what things should have them on their too.

Though I've not had the opportunity yet, you can earn box tops (so to speak) for purchases through their Web site in various stores online too. I don't expect you to go that far, but if you happen to notice the Box Tops 4 Education logo, please cut it out and maybe pop some in the mail to me after you get a decent stack. In about a month I have about $4 the worth, but it's $4 more than the school had before and it didn't cost me a thing!

I imagine now that I'm aware of it, I'll notice it more often still and will end up with more and more. So, keep yours eyes open! And let me know if you need our address! Thanks!

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