Thursday, July 8, 2010

Adventures with Lucas and Anthony

Hi, all. We have had some adventures lately, so here are a few pictures. Sarah and I took Lucas and Anthony to the Fourth of July parade last Saturday, Ruth (Loren's mom) and I took them to the zoo on Tuesday (slightly warm!) and today, we ended up at the mall, so the boys could run around in the AC (and only got slightly injured...). Here are a few shots.

The parade:

What you can't tell here, is that we're actually baking in the sun.

We found out that Anthony has an incredible ability/instinct to gather candy that is thrown in his general direction. When he finally came up for air, he had at least a dozen pieces of candy. Sarah and I were laughing so hard, I believe she almost peed her pants. Almost.

The zoo:
Our first stop was the Butterfly House. Anthony was more intrigued by the tiniest waterfall of all time.

When a butterfly landed on Grandma's arm, it kind of blew Lucas' mind.

Little did I know, hours later when he was supposed to be napping, Anthony would be sitting in bed shouting, "All Aboard!"

Did I mention it was about 90 degrees? These guys were troopers for about 2 hours until their fatigue set in.

The mall:

After the mall:
These will be the pictures we show them when they're 12 and 14 and momentarily pretend to hate each other.

1 comment:

Janet A. said...

Wonderful photos Kirsten - looks like you had a really fun couple of days with those adorable boys!!!! I'm trying to come up with a time when we can come down with the girls to swim - we'll figure something out!