I don't even know if any of you out there in family land ever read this, but for what it's worth, I'm going to try to post regularly again. I'd love to have some contributors, do some questionnaires, etc. Most of you might live in the same town, but this is a great place to have an online family journal, basically.
I already love to go back and see things from last year or when the blog first started. Our family is growing and changing all the time, so I'd love to include your individual families.
If you don't want to post yourself or are worried you won't be able to figure it out (but it's easy, easy though I swear. As easy as sending an e-mail basically), if you e-mail me stories, photos, links to an article or movie trailer you found interesting -- ANYTHING. I'll post them for you.
Really, take a minute to look back over what's been documented here and imagine if more stories from you were included.
Like this one, back from July 2008 from Nick: Crumbs from the 4-1-9
A little peek into the life of what Ellie was all about, also in July 2008: Getting to Know Ellie
A report from Sue on Gupp's Thelma and Louise trip, with a comment from K-K.
Some fun pics of Miles and Jude from February 2009.
When I took Lucas to make a Mother's Day mug for Sarah in May 2009 (look how much younger he looks then than he does now -- crazy!)
And, some great pictures of Leigh-bird from homecoming in October.
I don't ask for submissions for my sake -- I think it's for the sake of the whole family. If something comes to mind, shoot me an e-mail, leave me a voicemail, whatever! I'd love to include it.
On this, the eve of my 1-year "nanny-versary" (yes, it's been that long! Whoa!) I'll kick off 2010 with a recent video of me and my buddy, hanging out with monkey and a "neigh" while Mama and Lucas were at swim lessons...
MetroTimes review's D's album
15 years ago
Thank you, Kirsten! You're my hero. You never give up on us and that's a true pal! I promise to be an avid follower and also to try and contribute in 2010. I love you.
Aunt Maggie
And thank you Maggie for not giving up on the blog! So happy to know you always check it even though I haven't been posting!
You DO have stuff to contribute -- you can always talking about what TIm's up to, if you are into a certain show, have read a good book, if you're keeping up the clean sweep!
Dan and his family are doing a pretty fun questionnaire recapping 2009 on "Thompson Madness" -- maybe Ill do that for us!
I am glad you are willing to keep us motivated. I think this is a great idea and I am sure we can contribute some very fun stuff when all 5 sisters are in Florida. I know Dan will be sad that he is not with us so he will want to read this to keep up. This is the year I turn 62 and it was my goal to retire....sorry to say that will not happen in 2010! Keep up the good work.
SEE? I didn't even KNOW all five sisters were going to be in Florida. For those of us who don't live in Ionia, we can be kind of out of the loop.
I can't wait to post updates and pictures!
I just noticed that it was January 18, the day Grandpa McClow died. What a great guy he was. I have vivid memories of him sitting in his green lazy boy on Saturday watching American Bandstand, tapping his foot to the music. I thought he was the coolest grandpa around because he liked rock n roll! I miss his gentle presence.
I too miss Grandpa McClow - spending the night, drinking ginger ale, eating Townhouse crackers, soft ice cream, and then Cream of Wheat in the morning, hard lemon drop candy, sugar cookies, custard cooling on the back porch.....SOOOOOO many memories of Grandma and Grandpa! Jan. 18th was also Cousin Tony Nolan's birthday - I believe he was 66. I sent him a Mickey Mouse card because he is such a Mickey fanatic! I've been checking the blog every day but I thought maybe nobody was posting/reading it anymore. I'm glad you're not giving up on us Kirsten! I will try to post a few notes/photos from Florida. We'll certainly post some photos from my birthday party :-)
Ok ok you got me! I have been using the excuse that I'm just not computer savy but really I guess I'm just too lazy to write anything besides my column. I am currently using a loaner computer because I opened something I shouldn't have and screwed up my computer. I went to pick up my glasses last week and the rx. was wrong. I burned a piece of toast in my brand new toaster oven ... it didn't just burn, it was flaming! I finally made my reservation for the sib trip to Fla with a side trip to Hilton Head to see my friend Jane. Problem is trying to figure out how to get there (less than 400 miles) without it costing more than an arm and a leg. To fly from Orlando to Savannah or H.H. costs more than it does going from Flint to Orlando. The train and the bus are cheap (75.00 RT) but schedules suck and trip is twice as long as car...renting a car is about 80. or 90$ for one day. I'm thinking about posting a want ad on Craigs list for a 50ish good looking rich guy who wants to take a drive with a voluptuous 50ish (until I'm 60ish that's what I am) intelligent beautiful woman. That's where my wierd life is these days aside from the three grandsons who are a trip in themselves. I'll save that for another time...soon I hope. Thanks Kirst for forcing my hand (or should I say fingers?)
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