Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fun at the Baidases

Just thought I would share some photos taken recently at Sarah and Loren's.

The first group was taken last weekend when I was hanging out with Sarah and the boys. Believe it or not -- these were not staged!

Anthony thought it was hilarious

Then Uncle Joe and Lucas did some "dancing" and spinning around in the basement.

My camera was all wet and fogged up, but when we arrived for Joe's farewell dinner, Lucas was burning some steam running around in the rain and Claire joined in the fun. The photos are hard to see, but I think they're clear enough to see the absolute elation on their faces.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I commented earlier but I don't see it??? Anyway....great photos Kirsten and I'm happy to see Anthony laughing and looking healthy!!! I hope he continues to improve so he can come and visit with his mommy, daddy, and big brother :-) We'll be hooking up with Joe in L.A. so we'll send some photos to post on the blog.